Memories Of ....

AT&T's High Seas Radiotelephone Service

1929 - 1999 R.I.P.

This web page is dedicated to the men and women who had kept alive the spirit of service within AT&T's High Seas Radio Stations WOO, WOM, & KMI. I am honored as being one of those who had worked at WOO "Wiskey Oscar Oscar" (Manahawkin, NJ & Ocean Gate, NJ from 2/1972 - 10/1987).

Article from "RF Current" August 9, 1999
*** FCC Allows AT&T to Discontinue High Seas Shortwave Radio-telephone Service***

The FCC in Memorandum Opinion And Order DA 99-1567, released August 9, 1999, granted AT&T's application to discontinue its High Seas radio-telephone service, effective November 9, 1999. Public coast radio stations KMI, WOM and WOO will be closed. The FCC delayed action on the application after twenty-five users filed informal comments opposing it. The delay was to allow AT&T time "to pursue negotiations with third persons for the assignment of AT&T's radio licenses. The FCC met with FCC staff and presented a plan to help existing High Seas customers transition to other service alternatives. The FCC Order stated that "Because we believe that the plan proposed by AT&T demonstrates that users can obtain viable alternatives to AT&T's current High Seas Service, we conclude that discontinuance of High Seas Service will not unduly harm the public convenience and necessity and that we should grant AT&T's application."

WOO's Antenna Layout

WOO's Antenna Bearing Layout

World Map

The first ship-to-shore two way radio conversation occurred in 1922, between Deal Beach, New Jersey, and the S.S. America, 400 miles at sea. However, it was not until 1929 that high seas public radiotelephone service was inaugurated. At that time telephone contact could be made only with ships within 1,500 miles of shore. Today there is the ability to telephone nearly every large ship wherever it may be on the globe.

News Articles & Pictures
(Click on image to enlarge)

News Article

Operator Continued

Radio Continued

Old WOO Console at Manahawkin NJ

Station supervisor listening to the quality output of the transmitter

Article about Ocean Gate Transmitter Site

'Rolligon' antenna maintenance Vehicle (used at WOO)

QSL From Ship To WA2TZO (Now K2TI)

Lawrenceville NJ planned closure (Old WOO Transmitter Site)

Picure of Lawrenceville NJ Antenna Field

Transmitter Open Wire Feed Line Supports

Lawrenceville, NJ.. A forest of poles

Closing of Netcong NJ (Old WOO Receiver Radio Station)

WOM News Article

Station "QSL" Cards & Giveaways

General QSL

Point-to-Point Radiotelephone QSL



Small sample of giveaways to ships

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